Vector Pen Tool

The Vector Pen Tool allows the user to freehand draw a Vector path in one single, fluid motion.


Name Type
Refinement Decimal

How much to simplify the path. A simpler path has few points and is smoother but looses precision.

Name Type
Connect Radius Decimal

When starting and ending a path EXO will look for existing points within this radius to connect. If there are multiple points EXO will choose the closest one.

Name Type
Thickness Option

If you are drawing with a graphics tablet it is possible to control the thickness of the path using various pen properties.

No Thickness Use the default thickness of the path's stroke material.
Pressure The pen's pressure will control the thickness.
Tilt The pen's tilt will control the thickness. Not all tablets support this property.
Rotation The pen's rotation will control the thickness. Not all tablets support this property.