Gear Node

Creates a vector gear shape.


Name Type Group
Address Address Node

Each node in EXO has a unique address to identify it. Even if nodes are named the same, their address will be unique.

Name Type Group
Enabled Boolean Node

Nodes can be enabled and disabled. Disabled nodes do not process any data. If the node is a modifier the input data is typically passed through to the output.

Name Type Group
Center Point Grid

The position of the center point of the gear.

Name Type Group
Radius 1 Decimal Grid

The first of two radius values describing the gear. The larger of the two radii is the outer radius of the gear teeth. The smaller radius is the inner radius, where the teeth being.

Name Type Group
Radius 2 Decimal Grid

The second of two radius values describing the gear. The larger of the two radii is the outer radius of the gear teeth. The smaller radius is the inner radius, where the teeth being.

Name Type Group
Inset Decimal Grid

The thickness of the teeth.

Name Type Group
Teeth Count Integer Grid

The total number teeth.

Name Type Group
Subdivisions Integer Grid

How many times each line should be subdivided.

Name Type Group
Rotation Decimal Grid

Rotation of the gear around the center point.

Next: Grid Node